Ted Urban's TED Talk on procrastination is a brilliant and hilarious journey into the mind of a long-term procrastinator. The star of the show **spoiler alert** is clearly the Procrastination Monkey, but the line I find myself recalling of the most is "It has always been a dream of mine to have done a TED Talk, in the past.".  

While most of us don't aspire to stand on the TED stage, the line is so relatable because we all know the feeling of unhappily measuring the distance between how we feel about tasks or projects not completed and how much better we would feel if they were just done.

For me, it is all of the things. I am such a captive of my to-do lists, that I have a notebook that if opened from one side is work items and if opened from the other is everything not work. And the problem of course is, it is much easier to add items to a list than the time it takes to actually get them all done. So both lists always seem to grow and never ends with the final item, "Now go have a nice day!".

Recently I was thinking about the infinite nature of my to-do lists and thinking that they should more accurately be called "Things I don't particularly want to, but have to-do lists" which of course made me think of the Ted Urban quote about the good part being to "have done a Ted Talk, in the past." since I also wanted to have my to-do list done.

I have previously written about the underestimated power of words and their ability to shape our thoughts and how we perceive the world, so I didn't care for the negative way my proposed list title sounded in my head. So I considered what a positive spin on it might be. 

The answer for me has been a new title and a whole new approach to my daily lists. Instead of feeling like a litany of things still to be accomplished when I look at them, my new lists help remind me of the satisfaction of being done. 

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