Top Level AEing
While you are out there serving the Realtors, serving the association, serving the staff and serving the public, there is one group you can't forget to serve if you want to be truly considered Top Level AEing - that's other AEs.There are many ways to serve the AE community (peer mentoring, committees and workgroups, submitting samples to RARE, etc.) but if you want to really raise the bar on AEing, help your peers' leadership understand AE accomplishments and recognitions.Do not assume that a President or other leader really understands or even knows when the AE for their organization has earned the RCE designation, has been recognized with a peer award (YPN Leaders of Tomorrow, the Magel achievement award, inducted into the Smith Society, etc) or has been otherwise distinguished within the AE community.AEs themselves can be reluctant to emphasize these accomplishments so it is incumbent on other AEs to pull aside the leadership, educate them and help them understand what it is and what it means for their organization.Designations and awards have great descriptions on that can be easily copied and pasted into an email with a suggestion like "It would be great to recognize your AE at your next Board meeting!", the same as you would tell your own President about a member who had achieved distinction.Leadership cannot appreciate what they do not know. By making sure AE accomplishments are understood and recognized by leadership, you are serving the Realtors, the association and the AE community.